The RP Group engaged in a two-fold partnership with the CSU Office of the President’s Give Students a Compass Project — an initiative designed to strengthen the relevance, integration, and real-life application of the general education (GE) transfer curriculum in California by infusing it with high-impact educational practices (e.g., service-learning, learning communities, first-year experiences).
Evaluation: The RP Group performed quantitative analysis of the impact of GE courses incorporating high-impact practices at the community college level on student performance (e.g., course success, term-to-term retention rates).
Technical assistance: The RP Group provided guidance on the development of a final report that summarizes project results and provides examples of innovative GE practices to ensure the report’s relevance and utility to educators. In addition, we supported overall dissemination of this resource.
RP Group Lead
Dr. Darla Cooper, Executive Director
RP Group Project Team Members
Kelley Karandjeff, EdM, Kay Nguyen, Jeannette Redding, Joshua Rosales, Vinod Verma
CSU Office of the President
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