Thursday, March 13, 2025
The RP Group

High School and College Transitions

 High School to College Transitions

In addition to our focus on higher education, we also inform strategies and highlight policies and practices designed to streamline student movement from high school to college. We also work toward strengthening student readiness for postsecondary education and support programs such as dual enrollment, and career academies and pathways — both of which allow students to get a jump start on college-level courses.

 Related Projects

Third party evaluations to help improve outcomes and increase the effectiveness of student success initiatives, programs, and various efforts by community colleges and other higher education-based organizations. 

Report on effective practices for the successful transition of students from high school to college entry as documented in research-based literature.

Study piloting and evaluating the utility of high school transcript data in predicting students' abilities to pass college-level English and/or math coursework.

Online toolkit offering a suite of resources to assist secondary and community college partners in launching or strengthening dual enrollment programs.