The RP Group EDI Champion Award acknowledges and celebrates exemplary leadership in creating and sustaining a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in institutional research, planning, and effectiveness (IRPE).
Anyone may nominate themselves or another person who meets the criteria outlined below. Nominations will be accepted throughout the year. Those received by 11:59 pm PST on Monday, January 12, 2026, will be considered for the 2026 awards to be presented at the RP Conference in April 2026.
To be considered for the EDI Champion Award, nominees must meet the following criteria:
Currently employed at a college or district in the California Community Colleges system
Demonstrated leadership of EDI-related initiatives at the local, regional, and/or statewide level
Demonstrated commitment to using research and planning to eliminate barriers for students from underrepresented populations
Robust record of consistent commitment to EDI: exercising innovative and courageous leadership; working to raise awareness in their department and institution; raising awareness about challenges and opportunities related to EDI in the IRPE field; and advocating for the incorporation of EDI practices into the work of IRPE
Led/contributed to efforts to increase opportunities for women, people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and individuals with disabilities to be IRPE professionals and leaders
To nominate yourself or another individual for an EDI Champion Award, please enter the nominee’s information in the EDI Champion Award Nomination Form.
Nominations will require the following information:
Nominee's name
Nominee's current or most recent college or organization
Nominee's current or most recent job title
Nominee's current email address
A curriculum vitae (CV) or a list of positions and organizations served
A 500-word description of how the nominee meets the criteria and why they should be considered
The RP Group's Board Development Committee oversees the process for this award. The committee reviews the nominations at its January meeting to determine the final list of recommended nominees, which the committee chair will present to the full Board for approval at the February Board meeting.
Please note: every award category may not be recognized annually and will be determined by the review committee based on nominations received. We hope that by providing the opportunity for a variety of contributions to be recognized, we will maximize the chances of individuals earning awards.
All award winners will be:
Posted on The RP Group’s website;
Celebrated in our RP Group communications and in a nationwide press release; and
Recognized publicly during the awards ceremony at the RP Conference in April.
Please email