Saturday, February 8, 2025
The RP Group
Student Support (Re)defined: DeAnza College

DeAnza strategically employed Student Support (Re)defined findings in a number of college-wide initiatives. Examples include:

Values Statement:

Includes the six success factors, articulating an institutional commitment to organizing support around these factors to advance student achievement; this values statement appears on the DeAnza website at and is promoted during opening days, new employee orientations, professional development workshops, and in Student Equity and SSSP plans.

SSSP and Student Equity Committee:

Draws on study findings to establish four core values designed to provide “welcoming student pathways:” (1) welcome, (2) access, (3) equity, and (4) cultural humility and responsiveness; the committee has focused on improving enrollment processes and promoting the six success factors and cultural responsiveness through professional development.

College Professional Development Program:

Incorporates a presentation and discussion of the six success factors in new employee orientations, new part-time instructor orientations, and first-year experiences for new tenured-track faculty; Staff Development has offered additional workshops focused on developing emotional intelligence in the classroom and work environment; efforts resulted in more open discussion among faculty, classified staff, administrators, and students alike of underserved students’ barriers and needs and the generation of simple concrete examples for applying the success factors to supporting these learners.

SSSP Job Announcements:

Demonstrates an institutional commitment to serving all students and taking seriously their voices — especially students of color who experience the greatest gaps in academic access and success — by incorporating the success factors into counselor job announcements; applicants must articulate their own approaches to supporting students in alignment with these factors.

For more information on Student Support (Re)defined contact Dr. Darla Cooper.