Colleges need better information on student outcomes and labor market conditions to inform their CTE programs. CTE Data Unlocked, part of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office actions on the Strong Workforce Task Force recommendations, helps colleges find, understand, and use CTE data. This information is intended to facilitate local, regional, and statewide conversations about how to improve student transitions from K-12 through college and into the workforce.
For community college practitioners, it is designed as a "one-stop shop" where they can (1) obtain information about both CTE students' academic and employment outcomes and the labor market and (2) use that information to facilitate discussions with their K-12 and industry partners about how to strengthen and improve student success through the pipeline.
The CTE LaunchBoard served as the foundation for and is a core component of the CTE Data Unlocked initiative. It is a statewide data system supported by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) and hosted by Cal-PASS Plus, and provides data to California Community Colleges and their feeder K-12 school districts on the effectiveness of CTE programs.
By providing tools, training, technical assistance, and funding, CTE Data Unlocked can support the development of regional workforce plans, prepare for $200 million in new CTE funding that will be available in 2017, and strengthen local processes like program review, accreditation, and integrated planning.
RP Group Lead
Alyssa Nguyen, Director of Research and Evaluation
Group Project Team Members
Marc Beam, Kristina Merlino
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, California Community Colleges Chief Instructional Officers, Centers of Excellence, CTE Outcomes Survey/Santa Rosa Junior College, Delta College/Education
Guides and Tools
CTE Launchboard
Library of tools including print and video resources as well as news about upcoming learning opportunities that enable colleges to find, understand, and use CTE data.
News and Events
Visit the Doing What Matters TM website for news and events related to the CTE Launchpad project.