Terrence Willett
Terrence Willett has over 25 years of experience in institutional research and planning. Before joining the Chancellor’s Office as the Visiting Assistant Vice Chancellor of Data, Visualization, and Research, he was Dean of Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness at Cabrillo College, where he had been a math and science tutor when a student there. Mr. Willett also worked at Gavilan College and for the California Partnership for Achieving Student Success (Cal-PASS) as Director of Research and a Senior Researcher with the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (RP Group) on the Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) and other efforts including Student Support (Re)Defined. He has also been a Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) coach for several colleges. He served on accreditation teams for Ohlone and Rio Hondo colleges as well as on the AB 705 Implementation Workgroup, as an alternate on the Matriculation Advisory Committee, and on the CTE Outcomes Survey Advisory Committee. His recent publications include a chapter titled “Assessing Equity with Traditional and Novel Metrics in Times of Change” in Exemplars of Assessment in Higher Education, Volume Two, and co-author of a chapter on remediation reform in Empowering the Community College First-Year Composition Teacher.
Mr. Willett earned a B.A. in Psychology in 1991 from the University of California at Santa Cruz and an M.S. in Environmental Studies from San José State University in 1998 with his thesis research "Spiders and Other Arthropods as Indicators in Old‐Growth Versus Logged Redwood Stands" conducted in and around Big Basin Redwoods State Park.