Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The RP Group
Dr. Erik Cooper, Strategic Advisor, California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO)

Dr. Erik Cooper

Strategic Advisor,
California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO)

Dr. Erik Cooper is the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research, Visualization, and Analytics at the Chancellor's Office. Prior to joining the Chancellor’s Office in 2022, Dr. Cooper worked at Sierra College since 2013 as the Dean of Planning, Research, and Resource Development, Interim Dean of the Library and Learning Resources, oversaw the staff development office, and was the college Accreditation Liaison Officer during its accreditation cycle. In addition to his regular duties, Dr. Cooper served on multiple IEPI Partnership Resource Teams, ACCJC Site Visit Teams, and was one of the contributors to the proposed new ACCJC standards. Prior to joining the CCCCO, Dr. Cooper served on the Assessment Committee, Common Assessment Initiative Advisory Committee, and the AB 705 Implementation Workgroup. From 2013-2022 he served on the RP Group Board of Directors and was Board President from 2020-2022. Prior to working at Sierra College, Dr. Cooper worked at Yuba College, Western Washington University, and the Oregon Social Learning Center. He attended multiple community colleges in the Sacramento area, earned his BA in Psychology at Sacramento State, earned an MS in Psychology (Neuroscience) at the University of Oregon, and completed a Doctor of Education Leadership at Sacramento State. His dissertation, Efficacy of the California Basic Skills Initiative, earned the Sacramento State and RP Group awards for excellence.