Friday, July 26, 2024
The RP Group


Q: Is participation in all components of the academy required?

A: Yes. The academy is a comprehensive cohort and team-based experience, and participation in all components is required. We understand that conflicts arise but ask that participants plan to attend the virtual kick-off meeting, onboarding meetings agreed upon by the LFM coach and college team, all in-person convenings, all virtual convenings, sustainability planning meetings agreed upon by the LFM coach and college team, and the closing virtual convening. Participants will receive certificates of completion.

Q: Will there be a Zoom option if I cannot attend an in-person convening?

A: No. We have tried to offer an online option to join the in-person convening in the past, but juggling both in-person and virtual participants affected the quality of the experience for everybody. College teams have independently Zoomed in team members during team time. 

Q: Is there an additional time commitment outside of scheduled academy meetings and convenings?

A: Yes. Participating teams are expected to meet outside of LFM activities to advance their project and work on academy assignments.

Q: Do I need to stay at Kellogg West?

A: We highly encourage all participants to stay at Kellogg West for the duration of the convenings. Some of the most valuable conversations and community building happen over drinks and into the evening. However, ultimately it is your decision where to stay.